
At Cedar Spring Counseling, we provide the following counseling services to residents of Maryland and Virginia.

Individual Counseling

Children & Adolescent Counseling

Family Counseling

Now offering supervision to LPC and LMFT residents in Virginia! Email for details.

Individual Counseling

Individual counseling is typically done in 45min sessions that may address symptoms of mental illness, relationship issues, problems adjusting to life's challenges, or healing from trauma. It may involve active exercises to learn and practice skills, exploring issues from the past, or focusing on present moment coping. The therapist and client work collaboratively to establish goals for therapy and track progress throughout the process. 

Children & Adolescent Counseling

I am currently work with children and adolescents ages 12 and over. These sessions may consist of individual meetings with the child, sessions with the parent or the parent and child together, or some combination of these. Family participation is an essential ingredient to successful counseling with children, and even adolescents. Much like with adults, these sessions may focus on learning skills or information, coping with stress or life transitions, or managing relationships. Counseling with children can often look like "play" because this is how children understand and relate to their world. 

Family Counseling

Families are essential resources and supports for individual and community wellness, but oftentimes individual and collective challenges strain our relationships and we end up feeling disconnected and frustrated. I work with individuals and families of all types to decrease family conflict, improve communication, and nurture healthy relationships. Each member of the family plays a vital role in the collective functioning of the whole, so having the opportunity to work with  families together can help bring about the changes you're looking for in your home. 

Fees & Insurance Information